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©2022 All Rights Reserved.Created by Thulina

Welcome to the PeGu COVID Dashboard

An interactive interface, utilising the most up-to-date COVID-19 statistics available.

Map: Compare Individual COVID-19 Statistics on a Worldwide Basis.

Compare: Directly Compare Countries' Daily COVID-19 Statistics.

Visualise: View Historic Accumulative COVID-19 Statistics Per Country.

To return to this area, please use the COVID Dashboard heading.

The available data is updated approximately every 10 minutes. Please refresh the page to obtain the most up-to-date information.

©2022 All Rights Reserved.Created by Thulina



Directly Compare Countries' Daily COVID-19 Statistics

Select a single country to obtain its current statistics.

Select a second country to compare both countries' statistics.

Set one, or both, of the country selections to the Select a Country option to remove the respective data.

Comparative indicators will appear where a statistic is available for both countries:

indicates the given statistic is higher than that being compared against.
indicates the given statistic is lower than that being compared against.
indicates the given statistic is equal to that being compared against.

©2022 All Rights Reserved.Created by Thulina


View Historic Accumulative COVID-19 Statistics Per Country

Select a country to view a Time-Series Graph of the following accumulative statistics:

Cases: Total Diagnosed Cases
Deaths: Total Confirmed Deaths
Recovered: Total Recovered Cases

Hover or click on any point on the graph to read the specific value for the day and statistic.

Click on any legend to remove the respective data from the graph.

Select the Select a Country option from the dropdown to return to this screen.

Note: The historical data for this particular section, especially "Recovered", may not accurately reflect the given country's statistics.

©2022 All Rights Reserved.Created by Thulina

Time-Series Line Graph


Compare Individual COVID-19 Statistics on a Worldwide Basis

Select a statistic to compare the world's statistics on a Choropleth Map.

Hover or click on any country to view the specific value for that country.

Use the Plus or Minus, your Mousewheel, or Pinch to zoom in and out.

Once zoomed in, drag across the map to move the perspective.

Click or tap on any legend item to filter that particular threshold from the data.

Select the Select a Statistic option from the dropdown to return to this screen.

Note: Countries that have not recorded data for a particular statistic today will be filtered out by default.

©2022 All Rights Reserved.Created by Thulina

Choropleth Map
Legend for Choropleth Map